I know that this will give an excellent cut but to do so you need to travel at a low speed. I think that we must go for a fairway mower that will go faster and give an adequate cut.
With the weather being good this afternoon I had a couple of hours scarify the square with our ALKO scarifier, which is now starting properly after Kevin sorted it out on Wednesday.
It is amazing how much thatch you can take out. All of this came from going over the square twice.
The grass has started growing so the next thing is to give the square its first cut. Just one small problem to overcome: the mower is not back from its service yet at Kevin is finding it difficult to get the parts. It is a Ransome Marquis which we have had since I have been at the club. It is the only machine that I have ever used that starts first pull every time - a Honda engine. We need to buy another mower once I can find a suitable replacement. If the Club treasurer is reading this I am coming your way; please have your cheque book to hand!