The clocks have gone forward! This means that with the nights getting lighter work can be done at the Rec on an evening as well as during the day.
With the club's Twitter page announcing that the first game is 3 weeks on Saturday, here are some dates for club members to come down and lend a hand.
Sunday 19th April 10am: The fencing surrounding the square needs to come down and parts of the wire netting along the safety fencing for the railway line put back up having been pulled down by people trying to retrieve footballs.
Monday 20th April 6.30pm: The outfield is not in a good state so we have 2 tons of topsoil that needs spreading to fill in the holes. Please bring a spade and garden rake.
Tuesday 21st April 6.30pm: If all of the topsoil has not been spread on Monday then we will have another go tonight.
It would be a great help if every club member could make at least one session.