Thursday 30 April 2015

Thursday 30th April

With commitments all day Tuesday and Wednesday this week, today was the first opportunity to get some work done at the Rec.

The weather forecast was not good and I could see rain falling all around, but very little came overhead so good progress was made this afternoon. 

Roy is in Australia so the first thing to do was to cut the whole field.

If the grass is wet to cut grass tends to clump together so I was pleased the rain stayed away. I like to put stripes on the outfield as well as the square.

I was disappointed  that yet another metal peg had been left by the footballers which I didn't see and was cut in half by the mower, not doing the blades any good.

After that it was time to trim back Saturday's pitch.

Then to cut the whole square putting the stripes back. Fortunately the weather has been too cold for the grass to grow too much. I noticed that parts of the square were beginning to crack, so unless we get a decent amount of rain, the sprinkler will have to go on soon. 

Lastly the practice strip was cut down ready for the net sessions to start. Not too bad for 3 hours work!